About Us

Link Shortener was created to make it easier for your customers to connect with you.

With our tool, you can shorten unwieldy URLs, generate QR codes and telephone numbers, and email numbers to use in your email marketing campaigns that will allow you to track click rates in the same way you can track the number of clicks on your call-to-actions.

Pretty cool, huh? We think so too!

We understand how frustrating it is not to be able to track how many calls or email enquiries an email marketing campaign has generated but now, you can! We also know how versatile QR codes can be and now it’s easier than ever to generate a QR code and track its success!

We were determined to bring you a too that is, first of all, USEFUL, and also, easy to use. Shortened web links are so versatile and we’d advise you to use them in all of your social media activities, because it makes the post look more professional, tidier, and easier for your audience to remember! They’re also brilliant for when you’re using a platform which restricts the number of characters permitted in a post. 

We also know, different businesses will have different requirements, so we’ve created four pricing plans to choose from, so you can use as few of the features or as many as you need. And we don’t lock you into any long contracts – if you no longer need your account, you can simply deactivate it.

We hope you don’t though; we hope you love all the features we’ve brought you and that they’ll make your marketing life so much simpler, not only will you never leave, but you’ll recommend us too! 

So, thanks for being part of the Linkshortener family, and happy tracking!

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Sign up today and start shortening your web links, phone numbers and email numbers & create qR codes...